Monday, April 28, 2008

Nomophobia - Cell Phone Users, Are You Suffering in Silence?

Nomophobia. Good golly, now we have a new phobia for thse that fear not being able to use their cell phone... what is the world coming to??? Wonder when the first law suit will be filed with someone claiming undue stress and mental damages from a company who insisted their cell phone be turned off?

"Your honor, my client suffered intense symptoms of Nomophobia due to the defendants unnecessary insistence that all cell phones be turned off.... We would like damages paid in the amount of 6.7 million dollars...."

C'mon... we know this will happen soon...

So, don't know what 'Nomophobia' is? Read on....
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Nomophobia - I Have It - Do You?

I have all the signs and symptoms of nomophobia. I wonder if I should seek help, or face the fact that I just may be normal.

You are surrounded by those that suffer from Nomophobia... perhaps you suffer from this affliction, too?

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Selling on eBay - How to Have a Kickass eBay Business

Whether you have an eBay business, or simply thinking about starting one - first, you KNOW how profitable it can be, and second - you KNOW you have to learn the right way to sell on eBay.

Found a website that offers four very simple tips to improve your sales on eBay.... and also shows you how to find WHAT sells like hotcakes!

My advice to anyone getting started with eBay.... or having a hard time getting those sales... is to GET TRAINING. A high-quality training program is a teeny-tiny investment compared to the difference in your bottom line.

Besides, anyone who is willing to invest in their business is actually serious about their business...

an eBay business is a REAL business...not a hobby - unless you make a hobby out of NOT making money from your auctions...haha!

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Marine Boot Camp - Can You Take a Bible to USMC Boot Camp?

When preparing for Marine boot camp, many wonder if it is ok to take a bible with them. I had never really thought about this, but lots of parents like to send their young Marines with a Bible as a gift.

Apparently, you CAN take a Bible with you to USMC boot camp, but it needs to be a certain type and size.
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Can You Take a Bible to Boot Camp? 

Many recruits look to take a Bible with them to boot camp. Also, many family members and loved ones of recruits like to give Bibles as gifts to their recruits.

Can a Recruit Have a Bible at Boot Camp?

Yes - as long as the Bible can fit in the recruits pocket.

A perfect Bible for a recruit is this Marine Bible.

You Can't Totally Prepare for Marine Boot Camp on Your Own 

My friend went on to tell me that it is almost impossible to totally prepare yourself, both physically AND mentally, for the extreme challenges that are faced while in boot camp without help.

His advice?

Learn from those that have been there.

You can read his advice in his USMC boot camp preparation guide.

His advice is brutally honest.

Click here to read what he has to say.

You Only Get One Chance - Be Prepared

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Marine Boot Camp - Best Websites to Prepare for USMC Boot Camp

Marine boot camp... it will be easy, right? Hell no! Going through Marine Boot Camp will be THE hardest thing you will EVER do. Want help preparing for boot camp online? Smart move - click here for the best tips for boot camp preparation.

Know what you can take to Marine boot camp? Here's a hint: nada. Ok, you can take your drivers license and a boot camp-approved Bible... but that's about it. Heck, if you wear glasses, the Marines will give make you wear glasses THEY give you. Remember, you are no longer an individual once you hit boot camp - you are a Marine.

As for physical training - honey, the Marines will kick your ass, it's as simple as that. One guy I talked to said that the BEST thing he did to get ready to even GO to boot camp was get in shape - SERIOUS shape. Just jogging or a few sit-ups won't cut it. (Learn how to get in physical shape for Marine boot camp here).

As for the mental aspect of boot camp for Marines.... again, I say, honey, they WILL kick your mental ass! If you're sensitive, you're screwed... better learn to toughen up and get in the right state of mind to survive USMC boot camp. (Learn how to to get in mental shape for The Marines here)

All in all, your boot camp experience will be hard.... don't dare think any differently. Only the best survive. Statistics show that only those that are really prepared will graduate to being a REAL Marine. There is a reason the motto is, "The FEW, The Proud, The Marines".

Learn how to really prepare for Marine Boot Camp by clicking here.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Best Marine GPS - Reviews and GPS Comparisons

Almost summertime and that means it's almost time to get that boat back in the water! Yes! With Fathers Day coming, I've been looking for a great gift idea for the kids to give dear old Dad... and Dad loves gadgets and his boat... and he's not big on asking for directions, either! haha! I decided to look into marine GPS units and there are some awesome GPS systems for boats now - it's amazing!

Naturally, he will be getting a waterproof GPS unit.... does that even need mentioning? But there are so many other features and options to all this - it is a bit confusing.

I found a good webpage that shows the best marine GPS units - gives reviews and a GPS comparison to help figure out what you need (links to great prices, too!)

Need helping picking a marine GPS system, too? Read this page....

How to Sell on Craigslist - A Marketers Paradise

I get so many questions about how to sell on Craigslist - it's unreal. It's true tho, marketing on Craigslist is a very popular way to get your products and services out there on the internet - with GREAT exposure. But its not so easy.

Craigslist has a lot of rules and ads only last for so long. While learning how to market on that powerful site isn't all that hard, keeping up with it and doing it RIGHT can be a bit tricky.

I've talked to some folks and most have one thing in common to say - get a good program for your campaigns on Craigslist.

Which program? Try this Craigslist System.

Learn How to Run a Fitness Boot Camp - Cool Idea!

Fact is, smart and savvy fitness instructors will learn how to run a fitness boot camp as soon as possible. These programs are REALLY popular right now, and fitness centers and individual instructors are making a killing. I was blown away by the market research for the fitness boot camp market.... WOW! Adding one of those boot camp exercise classes to the already existing programs has made a big difference in the bottom line for many instructors.

Apparently, the overhead required to offer a boot camp program is next to nothing...and these classes are HOT right now. The exercise routines are easier and way less complicated. Also, the clients seem to love the social aspect of these bootcamps, too. And we all know what happens when a customer loves something, right?

Word of mouth advertising! Free advertising rocks....and in the case of fitness boot camps, your customers will keep your fitness boot camps FULL.

If I was an fitness instructor, I would totally do this... however, I guess I would need to get off my butt first...haha!

Me and exercise - well, we don't get along!

Learn more about running a fitness boot camp.

Squidoo Tags and the Lens Discovery Module

Just doing a little test over at Squidoo. I'm curious about Squidoo tagging and it's relation to the new lens discovery option in the intro module.

There has been a lot of discussion about the importance of tagging your Squidoo lens properly (and yes, there are some tricks to There has also been a lot of negative discussion surrounding the discovery option within the intro module on a Squidoo lens.

The location of the discovery tool is right smack at the top of a Squidoo lens - a lensmaster barely has an opportunity to get the reader involved in their content before the reader is given many options to leave.

However, the discovery tool can be turned off. Also, YOUR lenses show up on other lensmasters lenses so it can lead to extra traffic if it is enabled.

Personally, I just turn the option for the discovery off if it doesn't work with a lens I am making. I'm not all that upset about it... and hey, it's not MY website. Squidoo can do whatever they want on the lenses... they just pay me to build content there.

How to Sell on eBay - Best Recession-Proof Job Idea

Looking for the best recession proof job? Why not learn how to sell on eBay? Having your own eBay business can be the perfect home-based business for many people. Given todays economy, just think how much money you could save if you worked from home! Selling on eBay can be very profitable!

I know, I know... you're probably thinking, 'But I don't know HOW to sell on eBay!" No problem!

This training system to learn how to be an eBay seller which not only teach you what you need to know, but will teach you MUCH more than the average eBay seller knows - and THAT will put YOU way ahead of the game.

Now, you're thinking, "But I don't know WHAT to sell on eBay!". Guess what? You can sell just about ANYTHING on eBay. Seriously, everything sells at one point or another. However, there are products that do sell better than others. There are also products that are in high demand, and other eBay sellers just don't know that people are looking for them. Only the eBay sellers that use this eBay selling software are making the big money. It's like a secret weapon that keeps your eBay auctions HOT.

Check out these selling tips for eBay sellers.