Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Health Benefits of Liquid Aloe Vera When Taken Internally

Other health benefits of taking liquid aloe vera internally include regulation of blood pressure, stabilization of blood sugar levels, promotion of bones and joint healing and healing of internal tissue damage. Aloe helps prevent scar tissue from occurring inside the body at the site of the cut. Aside from drinking the juice, you can also apply the gel to the wound just after surgery, it can help heal the incision heal more rapidly and make the scar less visible when it heals completely.

Make sure you only take the recommended daily dosage, anything in excess will not do you any good. Aloe contains anthroquinone glycosides, when taken in large quantities, they exert purgative effect.

To find out more about the many uses and health benefits of liquid aloe vera, feel free to stop by

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Posted via web from Jennifer's Posterous

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